


Well, almost in the middle of my EVS, it was high time to prepare a Turkish dinner for Mo de Vida team and yes I did! 


I hope everybody enjoyed Turkish cuisine! You had beter speak with them to get some feedbacks! Or these presentation of the photos may give you a clue!
See you soon,

A farewell

Hello folks,

Here to inform you guys about the voluntary status of Mo de Vida. I  finished my project in February after almost 5 months of arrival.  The reason was to encounter a good study&work grant in Turkey. I decided that as a golden opportunity for my future. Although I was quite happy in Portugal, I said bye to my friends and the people that I love and turned back to my country. I can say that I learned a loooooooooooooot from my experience in Mo and hope to work or come together with the team/co-operators of Mo in the future!:)

Thank you all who has an influence on my time passed in Almada& Mo,



Mo de Vida welcomes the 11th volunteer!


We would like to welcome our new volunteer from Italy- Paolo. We wish him to enjoy his time in Mo de Vida and Portugal. We're hoping he will gain some great experiences during 1 year he is intending to stay. Bem vindo!


The Marvellous Video of an Evs Experience!


Hey folks,
Here is a video from our ex- evs volunteer Silvia. She made this video to summarize her EVS adventure here in Portugal!
Thanks Silvia!
Good luck in your new life in France and remember that you are always welcome in Portugal:)



Hey there folks!! Here comes the tenth volunteer of Mó de Vida!  Yeahh! J
I am Gülbahar (21), well actually easier to call me as “Bahar”. I’m coming from Turkey and will be staying here in Almada for the next 12 months! I've just got my Bachelor's degree and found mysef in Portugal a few months later.
I had the chance to meet the 9th volunteer, Silvia who is awesome and will unfortunately end up her EVS in a few weeks.
And the news: Mó de Vida staff is amazing! I’m fully motivated to learn this awesome language-Portuguese, fully energetic to participate in the organizations of Mó de Vida!
I hope to tell you a lot more when my adventures in Mó de Vida actually start!
Now just to say about my new life here in Portugal: So far so good! J
Nice to meet you all!
Bye for now, BeijinhosJ




Olá, chamo-me Silvia, sou francesa e tenho 27 anos.
Tenho uma licenciatura em comércio e trabalhei durante 3 anos numa loja de motas.
Agora estou a fazer o meu SVE na Mó de Vida  e gosto muito.
Cheguei em setembro 2010 e sou a nona voluntária. Fiz o meu voluntariado com a Marta (espanhola), foi muito fixe !!!!!
È uma experiência incrível, aprendi muito, e as pessoas são muitos queridas :)
Gostei muito participar nos eventos da Mó e as pausas justas (tudo é uma questão de organização...)!!!
Tambèm adoro o vinho português e a comida (mas não com muito azeite), gosto de ir à praia e não fazer nada :)).
Agora estou a acabar o meu SVE, vou voltar para França e tentar arranjar um trabalho onde que possa partilhar a minha experiência na Mó de Vida !!!!!